bye bye Katie hair. |
So I've gone and chopped my hair, no it’s not that extreme... but to me its feeling pretty daring.
I had my hair like this 4 years ago and loved it, But I am so used to wearing my hair up and in victory rolls (my fringe hair is TOTES too short to do that...what will I blog about now?!)
my hair without flash |
I need to get more bleach to freshen up my badger hair, once that’s done, I will be as happy as Larry!
I am kind of liking it, Not 100% certain, I wasn’t planning on cutting my hair, I just...did it. Impulsive? Me? Yes. The man in my life mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy dump me due to his hatred of fringes, But sure, if he loves me Ill still be in a relationship in the morning!
My hair with flash |
Holy Heck!!
Your new hair looks amazing!!!
As do you x
(relationship still on) :)
Hahahahahaha I will NEVER get shot of you will I?!
No chance! :)
Get over here!!!
Right, so you do not look like a toad!!!!
This is very cool lady. I like it :) glad The Man does too!
You look so adorably cute!
love the last kissy photo.
I'm sure your guy will love your bangs.
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